
Hair Thinning treatment

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Hair Thinning Treatment

Hair loss is one of the most common problems that almost everybody faces at some point in their lives. Hair thinning is experienced gradually and causes a significant decrease in hair mass. Hair loss due to aging that weakens the hair follicles, environmental factors like pollution and external factors such as the use of hair dyes or other hair products are major identified reasons for hair thinning.

What is hair thinning treatment?

Hair thinning causes thinning hair spots across the scalp. Hair thinning treatments pinpoint the cause of hair loss and deliver a targeted action to improve hair growth and strength by reinforcing the health of follicles. This also provides strength, elasticity, and vibrancy to the hairs. Here we present a complete description of hair thinning treatment, how it is performed, its advantages and risks involved in the treatment if any.

How it is performed?

  • Over the counter medicines

There are some over the counter drugs available which may be in the form of either pills or liquid/foam to be applied over the scalp. They are also available for men and women separately and some may even require some tests before usage. It is recommended to consult a health care provider for choosing the best one for you.

  • Lifestyle and supplements

One of the major reasons for hair thinning is weakened follicle which may be a result of poor nutrition and a hectic lifestyle. Taking a balanced diet including an adequate amount of biotin, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, etc and taking proper sleep, staying active and scalp massage at regular intervals definitely help in better hair growth. Supplements can also be taken if necessary. You can have a detailed discussion with your expert health care advisor, who may ask you to get some test done in order to pin down the exact deficiency in your body which is leading to hair fall. Once the exact cause of the problem is identified, the expert may suggest the necessary dietary adjustments and supplements that you must take up for better and healthier hairs.

  • Laser treatment

Laser treatment is a low-level laser therapy (LLLT). In this method, the scalp is exposed to a low-level laser radiance that penetrates through the skin surface and stimulates blood flow. Adequate blood flow bearing the necessary nutrients to the follicle helps in improved and thicker hair growth.

Why choose us

In keeping with our aim to use the most recent technology, we use photo stimulation therapy for the treatment of hair fall.

It is a multistep, highly sophisticated and effective treatment system that improves the circulation of damaged follicles and also regenerates normal healthy tissues, thereby preventing hair thinning in every possible way. It has additional benefits on being noninvasive, without the discomfort of needles and surgery. The Rejuvea Centre offers you the most detailed guidance through the complete treatment and even after the treatment for maintaining the results. A team of skilled and learned expert working under the leadership Dr. Soumya Agarwal does not leave any stone unturned to ensure the best services for your issues. Our team is always motivated to give a patient hearing to your concerns, help you to pinpoint the problem, identify the main underlying reason for the problem and guide you to take up the most suitable line of treatment. We seek perfection in our work and make sure that our clients are always happily satisfied.

Is there any risk of this treatment?

If the problem of hair thinning is resolved with supplements and lifestyle changes then there is no risk involved. Taking OTC drugs also does not involve any major risk but may or may not be effective or can also take time to reach the desired outcome.

The methods which involve small surgeries may cause issues like headache, itching, mild tightness in the scalp, lack of sensation at donor and recipient sites. However, these problems are relieved by little medication and are not usually permanent.


  • Hair thinning treatments accelerate hair growth and increase the hair density.
  • These treatments ensure better blood circulation and flow of nutrients to the scalp and hairs
  • These treatments are also intended to improve scalp health
  • Strength, elasticity, and vibrancy of hair are increased.
  • The production of ATP is increased.
  • Treatments can be chosen for specific problem types and generate targeted results.

Desired and long term outcomes can be achieved.

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