
Hair Loss

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Hair Loss

Hair Loss is also known as alopecia. Alopecia is a condition of loss of hair from the part of head and body but in case of hair loss, there is only head involved. Hair loss can vary with baldness spreading over a small area of the head to the entire body. It happens due to daily lifestyle, an increased stress level, etc. There are different types of hair loss problems which affect men and women differently and there are 1 million cases per year in India.

Male Pattern Hair Loss

Male pattern hair loss is associated with male sex hormones which are called androgens. The androgens have so many functions before regulating hair growth & another factor is Genetic problem.

Female Pattern Hair Loss- It is caused by Telogen effluvium (temporary thinning of hair on top of the scalp), which is a very common hair loss at the time of pregnancy.

The most common hair loss happens from stress, daily lifestyle, unhealthy diet, etc. but it can be treated with the help of right medications, expert advices and advanced techniques of International Standard.

Hair Loss Treatment

The most common hair loss treatments are:-

  • Rogaine (topical minoxidil)
  • Propecia (finasteride)
  • Hair transplantations


It is the most common treatment for hair loss. It is a solution which is applied to the top of the scalp directly. It is helpful for slow hair loss. Usually, this lotion needs to be applied twice a day but it is advised to apply it as prescribed.


It also a most common pill which can treat male pattern hair loss. It is a tablet which decreases DHT (dihydrotestosterone) level. It should be taken only after a doctor’s prescription. It is an effective medicine but if the treatment is discontinued the results of hair growth are not maintained.

Hair Transplantations –

Another effective method for hair loss treatment is hair transplantation. The type of hair loss, as well as the patient’s circumstances, determines which hair replacement is best for an individual. There are different types of hair transplantation such as micro-grafting, punch grafting, and slit grafting. These three types of grafting determine which is suitable for the patient scalp.

Another hair transplant method is PRP (platelet-rich plasma) in this treatment the patient’s blood is separated in a centrifuge and separating platelets and plasma hence the plasma is injected into areas of hair loss on the scalp. This process can go for up to two long years but it is very safe and helps to repair blood vessels.

Why choose us for Laser hair reduction?

We believe in giving our clients the best of results while proving the best services. When it comes to hair loss treatment, we have the finest of equipment used in this industry and experienced professionals who know the techniques and are experts in their field. The team of experts is led by Dr. Saumya Agarwal who doesn’t even need an introduction. Her accomplishments and achievements speak for her and her vivid and versatile experience makes her what she is today. Dr. Saumya believes in perfection in work and tries to inculcate the same into the members of her team by practice and example. We believe in putting experience, expertise, and efficiency in our work and we have so far been able to accomplish it. Our clients have always been happily satisfied with the kind of results they have achieved and some even didn’t forget to mention that the results were far better and way beyond their expectations.

Risk Factor of Hair Treatment

The surgical procedure of hair loss treatment can be expensive, risky, painful and dangerous if not performed at the right place under the expertise of right doctors. Not everybody can ensure safety and assurance like Dr. Saumya Agarwal. The risks involved can be:

  • Oral use of minoxidil increases the risk factor of hair loss, so try to use topically not orally.
  • Itching problem after treatment.
  • Swelling after treatment, we care about that problem.
  • Infection after treatment, it is also a risk factor of hair treatment.
  • Bleeding after hair transplant.

Advantages of Hair Treatment

The advantages of hair treatment are-

  • Propecia can help you stop hair fall while it is at an initial stage.
  • Rogaine drug helps both men and women in the hair loss problem
  • Hair transplants offer a quick and easy way to treat any type of hair loss problem and its advantage is it gives a permanent solution of hair growth.
  • Hair transplant is affordable and much effective.
  • Hair treatment develops positive confidence of patient which is totally down due to hair fall.
  • Decreases stress level and migraine problems.
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