
Weight Loss Treatment

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Weight Loss Treatment

What is Weight Loss Treatment?

Weight loss, in medical and physical fitness terms, means the reducing of the total body mass of an individual. This is achieved through a loss of fluid and body fat or adipose tissue. It is a very sought after treatment because of the rising obesity and body image issues. This treatment not only helps people live a longer and healthier life but also gives them confidence and self-esteem.

How is Weight Loss Treatment performed?

There are many treatments for weight loss, which range from common, everyday changes to surgical techniques. The most common and safest weight loss treatment is through eating healthier and integrating physical exercise into the daily routine. Some people are unable to lose weight through these techniques or are unable to keep from regaining the weight that they may have lost. In these cases, the doctor may prescribe certain weight loss medication.

Some people benefit from a structured weight loss regime or programme. In these programmes, professionals trained in weight-management design a plan that is suited to your needs. This includes a diet plan and workout timings and exercises that work around your schedule. People looking for a more aggressive solution can opt for bariatric surgery. This surgery makes changes to the digestive system and is only viable for people with extreme obesity who are unable to lose weight any other way.

Why choose us?   

It is a very daunting task to go to a doctor for weight management. The anxiety mixed with the fear to ask for help often deters people from seeking the help they need. Dr. Saumya Aggarwal and her team of well-trained doctors who have helped a lot of people with their weight problems. They have inbuilt cooling technology, which is aimed at helping people who have weight problems. Their procedures are 100% painless and leave no room for complaints. There are no harmful effects of these treatments. These treatments provide quick results for people who are looking to lose weight quickly.

These treatments vary from person to person. Each person is treated as an individual. The doctors make sure that each person is comfortable with the treatment plan they are provided with. The basic aim of these treatments is to make sure that the person loses weight and leaves happier and healthier than they came.

Are any risks involved?

The question most people have is whether it is healthy to lose weight fast. The common convention is that losing more than 1 kg a week is unhealthy. There is no such thing as “losing weight too fast.” As long as you consume the appropriate amount of calories and exercise, the body will lose weight at an appropriate rate.

However, there are a few minor side effects of weight loss treatment. These include headaches, irritability, fatigue, dizziness, etc. At the start of your weight loss programme, you may experience muscle soreness, especially if you are not used to working out.

Weight loss medication has some severe side effects and should not be taken without a prescription. These include insomnia, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and restlessness. Along with these possible side effects, people also suffer from withdrawal and addiction issues. Some also abuse this medication to help them lose weight quicker.

All surgeries have risks, and this includes bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery. The basic premise of this surgery is to help obese people by removing a part of the stomach or by reducing the size of the stomach with the help of a gastric band. Besides the risks involved in all surgeries, this surgery can permanently alter the lifestyle of a person. Some of the long term risks include Dumping Syndrome, low blood sugar and malnutrition.

Advantages of Weight Loss treatments

Weight loss surgery leads to a happier and healthier lifestyle. People who undergo weight loss treatment often find that their lives have improved in multiple ways. Not only does it give people the enable people to go out and enjoy life without any shame, but it also gives them a self-confidence boost. It might open doors for them that might have been closed before. It also gives them the confidence to ask for help when they need it and encourage other people to do the same. All in all, weight loss treatment has a positive impact on all facets of life, for those who undergo it.

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